Other Rehabilitation Programs

Paradise Physiotherapy Ltd is now an official Complete Concussion Management™ clinic. Concussions have become the focus for both professional and amateur athletes around the world, and Paradise Physiotherapy will continue to be at the forefront of concussion diagnosis, management, and rehabilitation with this collaboration. We utilize a comprehensive, multi-modal approach to concussions, based on current advances in concussion research.
What is a concussion?
A concussion can be simply defined as a disruption in neurological functioning following a significant impact to the head or elsewhere on the body. This causes a biochemical imbalance within brain cells as well as decreased blood flow and temporary energy deficits within the brain.
Following a suspected concussion, a player should be immediately removed from play, assessed and placed on complete rest in order to recover from the energy deficit. Studies have shown that any activity, both mental and physical, in the immediate days following concussion can delay the process of recovery and should be avoided until the athlete is completely symptom free.
What is baseline testing?
The biggest concern surrounding concussions comes from the energy deficit that occurs in the brain following injury. When the brain is in this low energy state, it has been well established that the brain is extremely vulnerable to additional trauma, where even smaller impacts can lead to another concussion; and these second concussions can cause severe brain injuries with potentially permanent or fatal outcomes.
The problem is that symptoms (meaning how someone feels) do not coincide with brain recovery. The only way to know when the brain has fully recovered and out of this “vulnerable period” is to compare current brain function to when the individual was healthy; this is what is known as a “baseline test”.
A baseline test is a battery of tests that measures every area of brain function that could potentially become affected following a concussion (you need more than computer tests!!). The reason that the test is termed a “baseline” is because it is done BEFORE the athlete gets injured. In order to know when an athlete has fully recovered, we first have to know where they were when they were healthy. Without having this information, there is no way to truly know when an athlete has fully recovered and is safe to return to their sport.
Baseline testing is the most important thing to get done prior to beginning your sports season on a yearly basis.
Complete Concussion Management™:
Complete Concussion Management™ is a concussion research company that educates healthcare practitioners on cutting-edge concussion therapies and management strategies based on the most current medical research so that they may provide the highest quality of concussion treatment and follow-up.
Certified Complete Concussion Management™ practitioners are continuously updated on current research and treatments in order to manage these injuries properly and safely to ensure adequate recovery, thereby limiting the risk of further injury and long-term brain damage.
Comprehensive baseline testing
Post-injury diagnosis and injury management
Concussion rehabilitation for Post-Concussion Syndrome
Coach & trainer education and certification programs (online)
Concussion Tracker Smartphone application
The CCMI Network:
Complete Concussion Management™ is the largest network of specialized concussion clinics in all of Canada. Athletes tested through our program can have preferential access to any CCMI certified clinic across the country. All of these clinics have received the same training, are conducting the same tests, and using the exact same equipment. This means that if you are baseline tested in your town and you are out of town for a tournament and you get a possible concussion, you can walk into that clinic and be tested and compared against YOUR OWN baseline!
Concussion Tracker Smartphone Application
Athletes and concussed patients can now log in to view their baseline test results as well as receive rehabilitation exercises, diet plans, and other recovery tips to help them along the way. The app also allows the injured patient (or their parents) to have around the clock communication with the treating clinician as well as provide an update on their symptoms and progress every single day…all from your phone! You can learn more about the app here.
Please visit www.completeconcussions.com for more information on this amazing program!

Pelvic Floor Physiotherapy
Pelvic floor physiotherapists are specially trained in the assessment and treatment of problems such as male and female urinary incontinence, pain during intercourse, pelvic pain, and bowel trouble. Want to know more? Book an appointment with Lori Ross, Registered Physiotherapist.
Lori Ross is a Registered Physiotherapist who has taken the following specialized courses:
Pelvi-Perineal Re-Education I: The Physical Therapy Approach to Female Urinary Incontinence
Pelvi-Perineal Re-Education II: The Physical Therapy Approach to Dyspareunia and Physiotherapy for Male Urinary Incontinence
Pelvi-Perineal Re-Education III: Physiotherapy for Ano-Rectal Discorders and Pelvi Floor Physiotherapy in Pediatrics
Rost Therapy: Relieving Sacro-ilia and Pubic Pain During and After Pregnancy

Work conditioning programs are completed by the registered physiotherapists at Paradise Physiotherapy. A work conditioning program encompasses an individualized and progressive exercise program, information on ergonomics, education on proper body mechanics and posture and a return to work program specific to your needs. Exercise helps to improve your strength and physical endurance which will assist you to safely return to work. Your exercise program will have components that are specific to your occupation to improve your ability to work.
The physiotherapist will help you understand your injury and set realistic expectations for your recovery. They will also teach you safe work techniques to help prevent similar injuries from occurring again. Along with your physician and your input, the physiotherapist will develop a return to work program that will focus on early and safe return to work. The program may include modified duties and/or hours and will progress as you are able.
The physiotherapist will be in direct contact with your physician, and or case manager to make this process as safe and as simple as possible.

Paradise Physiotherapy has a team approach to their patients’ health. We are a multidisciplinary clinic, which offers chiropractic, massage therapy and physiotherapy. We are proposing an efficient team-approach solution to motor vehicle accident (MVA) rehabilitation. We have the equipment, space and knowledge to provide clients with everything from work conditioning, functional capacity evaluations, pain management and injury specific exercise programs. In particular, we can also accommodate MVA clients (working or not working) who require a supervised (general or injury specific) gym program, which is needed for long-term management of their condition. Clients should then be equipped with the knowhow to make the transfer into a community fitness or exercise facility, independently.
Each of the physiotherapists at Paradise Physiotherapy has a background in kinesiology and physical education and has completed certified fitness consulting courses. During the first six weeks of your MVA program, you will be seen by a physiotherapist who will develop an exercise program for you, both for in the clinic and at home. After the acute phase of the program, the physiotherapist will then will refer you to Ryan Sparkes, Reg. P.T., M.Sc., Kin., who will be implement the specific individual exercise programs for the MVA program.
Ryan is a registered physiotherapist who has worked in the fitness and rehabilitation field for 15 years. His experience and accomplishments include: teaching human kinetics 1001 (resistance training), graduate student at Memorial University of Newfoundland, obtaining a master’s degree in kinesiology with a focus on stability training, working as a kinesiologist in a multidisciplinary clinic, the completion of courses such as Certified Fitness Consultant (CESP), and Level 3 Advanced Manual Therapy. He also has 18 years of experience of personal fitness training.
It is our goal at Paradise Physiotherapy to expedite the rehabilitation and return to work process by incorporating this supervised specific regimented exercise program into the client’s rehabilitation program. Feedback will occur with the attending physician and appropriate personnel throughout the program on specified time intervals. Having consistent and detailed reporting enables that there is proper communication between all parties involved, making the recovery of the individual the top priority.

Attention coaches! Do you have athletes that you wish were stronger, faster and more powerful? The physiotherapists at Paradise Physiotherapy are able to assess and determine whether or not your athlete has restrictions or imbalances that are affecting their performance. Strength, flexibility, range of motion and agility can be assessed in the clinic, at the rink, on the field. A program can then be tailored to meet the needs of individual players or the entire team. This testing can be done at the beginning of the season for baseline fitness evaluations, or done throughout the season for injury prevention and recovery.

From diagnosis to treatment, from planning of training sessions, to biomechanical analyses and to the analysis of the running shoe, our physiotherapists Michelle Sheppard and Raeleen Baggs have received training in the prevention of running injuries by Blaise Dubois and the Running Clinic. This course enabled our therapists to efficiently treat all your needs whether you are a runner, an occasional jogger or active in other sports.
You will have access to their clinical tools, such as apps for your smart phone that include running mechanics, demo exercises and warm-up sequence. A one on one assessment of your biomechanics, posture, range of motion and strength is completed in clinic. After the assessment, our physiotherapists would design specific exercise programs and tailored running programs specific to your needs.
The physiotherapists at Paradise Physiotherapy can also attend your community running group to talk to you about training techniques, proper mechanics, proper warm-up or any other topic of interest if you wish! They may even join you for a run!

Paradise Physiotherapy offers onsite seminars and consultations that are catered to your organization or company’s needs. Recent seminars have included workplace ergonomics, hydration and sport, compression socks, and running injuries and assessments. If you have a topic that you feel that you would like addressed contact our clinic to see what our experienced and well versed practitioners have to offer.

The physiotherapists at Paradise Physiotherapy understand that there may be complicating factors hindering some patients to attend physiotherapy outside their home. While they encourage independence, activity and mobility, should the need exist, a physiotherapist will come to you, at your home, to conduct the sessions.